Friday, February 19, 2010

Thinking About Returning To College

From a journal entry:

Going back to school would be
- exciting
-scary as all hell

I am afraid to try and fail again. Maybe I didn't do well before not because I was immature and anxious but because I am not smart enough or just not cut out for school learnin'. What if I still don't know what I want to do?
What if I don't want to do anything?

1 comment:

  1. Just take it slow. Make your first class something you like. If you like math, english or even science. Then use your schools resources. They have counselor and even your teacher can be of some help. Or maybe be a friend who is in school too. An even if you fine as you say "you are not cut out for school learnin'. No big deal. Then will not make you any less a great person!
